Hollywood is about mystique and hype. The studios and publicity machine set it up that way. I’ve had clients come in for their first headshot and now, as a A-rated actor, can only be contacted through agents, managers, entertainment attorney’s and publicists. Actors are drawn into the business not only because of the glamour, but because of the creative work. It is more than the parties, prestige, and media hype. To make it in Hollywood one needs fortitude, discipline, and a clear focus on where you are going. From the outside it looks so easy and carefree, but ask any actor, it’s hardly anything but. The Real Hollywood is hustling to get auditions, classes and seminars. It’s sitting in traffic for hours only to have the audition last only 5 minutes. The real discipline is sitting in the waiting rooms with group of actors and staying focused. It’s dealing with the nerves of a casting session with a casting director, director and producer glaring at you without expression. It’s replicating the same brilliant work that you did in a first audition for the first, second, third, and who knows how many call backs there will be. The Real Hollywood is […]
David LaPorte Studio
2511 S. Westgate Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90064
United States